For those who want to let the side dishes do the talking, this is the bird for you. Delightfully simple, it's dry-brined (meaning highly seasoned) with...
A deceptively simple sheet-pan dinner, potatoes get tossed with tangy distilled white vinegar and topped with a chicken slathered in a garlicky chile butter...
This stovetop method of cooking chicken breasts in a sazón-heavy marinade produces juicy, fragrant, well-seasoned meat. It definitely stands up as a main...
This thrifty dinner is a a crisp-skinned treat that leaves leftovers for lunch, and, if you like, a 2-quart container of golden broth. Reserve the bones,...
In his cookbook "Amá: A Modern Tex-Mex Kitchen" (Chronicle Books, 2019), the chef Josef Centeno experiments with the Tex-Mex cuisine he grew up eating...
These crunchy, tube-shaped flautas ahogadas - the name roughly translates to "drowned flutes" - are served in a pool of spicy tomatillo sauce, and the...
This recipe draws inspiration from the old-fashioned rotisserie chickens sold along Seoul's streets in the 1970s - before Korean fried chicken entered...
In this quick-cooking dinner, boneless chicken thighs are marinated with bay leaves, mustard seeds, orange zest and Worcestershire sauce, and roasted at...
This superb style of fried chicken, found in southeastern Indiana, relies on a heavy use of black pepper. Wagner's Village Inn, a bar and restaurant in...
This sweet, well-seasoned dish is great for Sunday dinner. You only have to marinate for an hour, but you could do it up to overnight. Set it up the night...
This stripped-down, built-for-flavor recipe, adapted from "Meathead: The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling" by Meathead Goldwyn, is for people who...
This unorthodox method for roasting a turkey gives you a delicious, evenly cooked bird - fast. Before roasting, the bird's legs are splayed so they lie...
A staple of Liberian cuisine, this chicken tastes complex with its mix of spicy heat and richness, but comes together simply in just one pan. For the chef...
The secret to these five-star chicken breasts is a simple, flavorful marinade of turmeric, rosemary, garlic, lime juice and olive oil. Most importantly,...
This deeply savory, weeknight-friendly sheet-pan chicken is worth buying a new jar of sweet paprika for, especially if you can't remember when you got...
Chicken, that old weeknight standby, can get pretty boring day after day. This dish, adapted from "Mediterranean Cooking" by Paula Wolfert, is almost as...
This deeply savory, weeknight-friendly sheet-pan chicken is worth buying a new jar of sweet paprika for, especially if you can't remember when you got...
For those who want to let the side dishes do the talking, this is the bird for you. Delightfully simple, it's dry-brined (meaning highly seasoned) with...
This unorthodox method for roasting a turkey gives you a delicious, evenly cooked bird - fast. Before roasting, the bird's legs are splayed so they lie...
Chicken scarpariello, also known as shoemaker's chicken, is a classic Italian-American dish of chicken, sausage, vinegar, onions and peppers that has all...
This thrifty dinner is a a crisp-skinned treat that leaves leftovers for lunch, and, if you like, a 2-quart container of golden broth. Reserve the bones,...
Curry powder is stirred into this braise only during the last minute of cooking, delivering a bright hit of spice on top of the paprika and turmeric mellowed...